We guide organizations of all types and across industries and help them understand the benefits of workforce engagement and partnership modeling in their policies and practices.
Labor Navigation™ refers to two basic service approaches:
The first involves helping clients learn and understand how to work with organized labor (think interacting with the organization) this includes:
Relationship management
Understanding the language of labor
Strategic approaches to partnerships with labor
Mutual-interest bargaining
Creating access to senior labor leadership
Labor Negotiations (contract, project, or policy)
The second approach is helping the client work with their internal labor force, including:
Labor Management relations
Policy development
Organizational redesign/alignment
Internal communication design
A key part of this process involves establishing metrics to measure the quality and success of your efforts, so you can expand service and increase sales.
Benefits of our Labor Navigation™ services include:
Expanded business opportunities
Improved and quality delivery that is measurable
True insight on employee satisfaction, client service commitment, and retention